GCHB CH. Irish Coffey All Roads Lead to MerryLee “Laynee”

Multiple Group Placing, Bred-By Exhibitor Group Winner

Laynee finished from the Bred-By Exhibitor Class. She is our first Bred-By champion from our foundation bitch Tipper.

Laynee is out of Tipper, by Spencer, BISS Ch Ha-Penny's Too Much Trouble 

Laynee retired after producing a wonderful litter. At 13, Laynee is still healthy and active patrolling our 13 acre property and being the queen of our house. She enjoys helping raise the new generation of puppies.

Laynee finishing her grand championship with a 5-point major just 3 months after completing her championship. Thank you Judge Thomas Kilcullen.

Laynee finishing her grand championship with a 5-point major just 3 months after completing her championship. Thank you Judge Thomas Kilcullen.

Thank you Judge Mrs. Houston Clark for this Group 2!

Thank you Judge Mrs. Houston Clark for this Group 2

Thank you Judge James G. Reynolds! Laynee finished her championship with a BOS win.

Thank you Judge James G. Reynolds! Laynee finished her championship with a BOS win over champions

Thank you Judge Stephen Hubbell!

Thank you Judge Stephen Hubbell


Laynee at the 2020 Beagle National where she took 2nd place in a beautiful class of veterans. She loves to show!